?”Studying sacred geometry leads us to truth and self understanding.”

Sacred Geometry

A Path to Higher Consciousness and Spiritual Awareness

In our fast-paced modern world one wonders about options to connect to the unseen, yet powerful forces in the universe.

Sacred geometry is one of those paths that can lead to states of higher consciousness and spiritual awareness. The shapes and forms are diagrams describing the dynamics of universal law. The secrets of creation are encoded in their archetypal symbology.

On the three dimensional plane, sacred geometry is expressed through harmonic division of the sphere, which produces five sacred forms, called the Pythagorean or Platonic solids.

Contained within them are all the major mathematical principals found throughout nature and the universe. They are linked to the energy centers of the body (the chakra system) and to the subtle energy field that surrounds the human form. This is why geometry can communicate before it is understood. They are the building blocks of nature, the crystallization of the thought-forms of the God force.

This complex form of geometry starts with the ?Flower of Life?. This pattern is over 6000 years old and contains nineteen overlapping circles. By connecting the circles with lines one find all the shapes and patterns of the 5 Platonic Solids within.

The Flower of Life is known as the ultimate symbol of Sacred Geometry in which the fundamental forms of space time are stored.

In the basis of the Flower of Life one can find another model, which consists of 13 circles, called the Fruit of Life. This is considered the blueprint of the universe, along with the 7-circle model that is called the ?Egg of Life? or ?Seed of Life?.

For your enlightenment, I invite you to read some of the definitions of sacred geometry from few knowledgeable people.


  • Sig Lonegren?s Definition:
    In a nutshell Sacred Geometry is,??The use of a handful of ratios to create forms that help the seeker to resonate properly to achieve their desired spiritual goal?

  • Alex Champion?s Definition:
    ?Sacred geometry is a contemplation and utilization of the archetypal geometric patterns of Nature for the purposes of spiritual communion and healing.?
  • Robert Ferre?s Definition:
    ?Sacred Geometry is the act of studying the divine act of creation and then using that knowledge to create in the same way. By studying nature, we find that the basic building blocks of creation are geometric. Since the divine hand is responsible for originating the numbers and proportions of the manifest universe, that geometry is sacred. Studying sacred geometry leads us to truth and self understanding. All societies use sacred geometry to construct their temples, sacred places, and art. Chartres Cathedral, for example, and its labyrinth. Numbers aren?t just for counting, nor are they just symbolic. They are the actual essence of everything that exists.?